[Solved] WordPress plugin “Auto Upload Images” doesn’t work issue

326 , 4 Comments

I am using latest WordPress and want to paste some post to my blog.

The "Auto Upload Images" plugin is the perfect one to download images automatically from remote.

But, it doesn’t work anymore after downloading from WordPress center.

The plugin Github page was updated since 2 years ago. There are lots of people met same issue and no one solve.

So I downloaded the latest and spent 1 day to debug it with PHP 8.1 and XDebug extension.


The reason why it does’t work is because it was unable to download images from remote.

Auto Upload Images uses WordPress wp_remote_get() to download remote images in downloadImage($url) {} function.

However, it always got this error:

cURL error 56: OpenSSL SSL_read: SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL, errno 0

Which means it occurs issues to download the images.


I tried to add 'sslverify' => false to wp_remote_get() but still got error.

The right way to solve it is to add User-Agent to the header.

  1. Open file src/ImageUploader.php with any text editor.
  2. Navigate to line 186.
  3. Add value to user-agent, $args will become:
    $args = [
            'user-agent' => 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36',
  4. Done.


Marek says: Reply

Hi have got still issues :/

nook86 says: Reply

i have a better script e ma il me at my name at gmail

Andre Guirard says: Reply

Also trying this, also not working, will you please post your improved script here?

Tyler Tork says: Reply

Also trying this, also not working, will you please post your improved script here?

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